It’s a Wrap on Whakawhiti Kōrero!

It was a brilliant year for having smart, kind, and generous mindfulness teachers along on our six Whakawhiti Kōrero Sessions on Zoom! More than 700 views over and above those in attendance means that lots of people heard from Sara Gaertner, Rebecca Lock, Sarah Hearn, Gavin Hughes, Deb Barclay, Grant Rix, Viv Mallabar and Laura van Leeweun. Everyone had their own unique take on how to make mindfulness really work in their school settings.

If you missed the live Zoom session, never fear! They’re all available to watch, rewatch, or share on our Youtube channel (!

This coming year, we will mix things up to make them even more accessible, practical, and focused on what matters most to YOU as a PBS educator.

So check in with us in January to hear about an exciting new format that puts your needs and goals right in the center, plus brings you together with other PBS teachers around the country to share ideas, connect, and deliver the programme with even more confidence.
