A mind jar full of water and glitter is a resource that we use with school children to provide something concrete and beautiful for their minds to focus on, in much the same way that a table gives the jar something solid to rest on.
By breathing mindfully, all of their swirling thoughts and feelings will start to settle by themselves – just like the glitter in the jar.
Making a mind jar at home is a great way to talk about the things that are worrying your child, as well as giving them a device to practise mindfulness whenever it’s needed.
Mind jars are especially great to use at bedtime, to help your child calm down and go to sleep.
Your child should choose a different colour of glitter to represent different things that worry them. As they add each colour, your child can talk to you about these worries or concerns, and talk about ways you could work through these.
When the mind jar is finished, shake it up. See how all the worries have mixed together, making it hard to focus on any one COLOUR? When our minds are stormy like this, and we don’t feel present in our bodies, it can be hard to pay attention and make kind and thoughtful choices about how to respond to the things or people that have upset or worried us.
Place the jar on a table, and sit or lie quietly, noticing as the glitter in the jar settles down on its own. Practise your mindful breathing while you watch.