Sir Ashley Bloomfield’s top tips for mental health in kids30/05/2023Bloomfield had also started to use mindfulness on an everyday basis and said it was an essential ‘skill for life’. Integrating Mindfulness into Learning19/11/2020Pause Breathe Smile: Teaching Tamariki the Power of Mindfulness14/10/2021Health, Wellbeing, Above All Else19/10/2021Providing Tools to Deal with Life’s Ups and Downs02/12/2021Teaching Mindfulness to Our Tamariki02/12/2021Taradale Primary School Teachers Learn Mindfulness to Help Kids Cope as Covid Bears Down23/03/2022Boys will be Boys Mindful19/08/2022PBS Director Grant Rix Interviewed on Radio NZ19/10/2022Dominic Bowden is a Big Fan of Pause Breathe Smile26/10/2022Increasing Wellbeing and Reducing Stress for Kiwi Youth27/10/2022