Guidelines for PBS Educators

Guidelines for Mindfulness Facilitators

As mindfulness programmes and mindfulness-based interventions grow in popularity, it is important that people facilitating courses are well qualified to do so.

There are a variety of mindfulness training programmes and organisations operating worldwide. Some of these organisations have developed as a result of sound research and focus on training people to teach a specific evidence-based mindfulness programme. MEG is one such organisation, founded by the Pause, Breathe, Smile programme developer and the experts in training others to teach Pause, Breathe, Smile, which is New Zealand’s only locally developed and researched mindfulness in schools programme.

By training others to teach Pause, Breathe, Smile, MEG’s intention is to add mindfulness skills to the toolbox of educators and health professionals.

Participants who complete our training may refer to themselves as Pause, Breathe, Smile educators. However, MEG does not endorse or support any other mindfulness-based activities or trainings you may choose to teach in addition to the Pause, Breathe, Smile programme, and you may not use your Pause, Breathe, Smile certification as justification for teaching any other mindfulness courses.

A person leading a mindfulness course should have (as a minimum):

  • a well-established daily mindfulness practice
  • attend regular mindfulness retreats
  • have formal training in the programme or modality they are delivering
  • undertake regular supervision
  • have experience within the setting they are delivering to
  • have been practising for a sufficient period of time before leading courses for others.

Mindfulness facilitators should also be conscious and authentically responsive to their audience, recognising the values and world views held by people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Above all else, it is important to recognise that mindfulness cannot be fully understood by reading books or learning from others. It is a way of being that is manifested in each moment of life. With this in mind, a mindfulness teacher should teach from their own personal experience, with integrity, honesty and authenticity.

You may also be interested in reading about UK mindfulness teaching standards for further information.